Monday, August 30, 2010

10 tips for a more professional looking logo

Here are some tips for you to have a more professional looking logo:

1. Think about the message you're sending with your logo. What is your logo saying about you as a designer? How do you want to "sell" yourself professionally?
2. Search for references [logos] which were also created with initials [or just 2 or 3 letters]. Research is a very important part of the designer's work.
3. Sketch. Sketch. Sketch. It will help you to free the ideas on your mind and make your logo more personal.
4. Try to keep it simple but smart. You want people to be able to easily recognize and understand your logo. Sometimes less is more.
5. Try not to use more than 2 different types of fonts.
6. Look for a type that says something about you. Serif types tend to say "traditional" and "elegant". Sans serif types tend to say "more contemporary", "more informal". Cursive types tend to say "spontaneous", "personal interference".
7. Never distort a typeface. Always use the SHIFT key to maintain proportions when changing its size in Illustrator or Photoshop.
8. You can create your own typeface by converting the chosen one to outline in Illustrator (CTRL + SHIFT + O).
9. Whether you can use Illustrator well or not, don't let the computer stop or hinder your creative mind.
10. Don't give up and remember, push yourself further, always! =)

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